
Kayla Allen
7 min readSep 17, 2020


Thursday, September 11th

The Discussion of Education

Becoming a master harmonizer is a kind of a big thing for me. I feel for the field I want to go into I have to want to be able to reconcile things, even though not everything can be reconciled.

Looking at the plan the school created for me be a master harmonizer i have experienced that kind of learning. I feel the learning to become a master harmonizer is the basic learning we need top survive in the normal world as a basic person. I feel with this style of learning I am getting an education but not to be a master harmonizer. I feel i could be more focus, better with my time management and more organized to make me better for this kind of education. I would want to succeed and exceed the qualifications. I’m the over achiever type, so being better than I know I could would position myself for this style of education.

Tuesday, September 15th


Cliques- small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them. Everyone experience being in a clique or being a “floater” which you just are friends with everyone. As that floater you become friends with everyone and when there is an issue between the group you can be the reconciliatory. Dr. Sandbridge brought up a great point on how the middle person can help solve issues because they get to see both sides of the story. Then the I came to see how Lysistrata was the floater she was able to see boith sides of how the women was feeling able to compare it to men being at war. She was able to get equality and end the war for the men and get them home to their wives.

When we discussed cliques mostly everyone said how they were the middle person instead in a clique because they didn’t want to be in a clique. I feel thats a sense of leadership because you’re not falling into a clique but being your own person. As your own individual you lead by being yourself and everyone seeing how you’re friends with everyone and want to follow by being themselves as well.

Also during this class period we discussed how what the women were feeling was just as bad as being in war. They experience the loss of their children and their husband. Then saw it as them being at home and not being traumatized by the war but when in actuality it too a toll on both men and women. The men didn’t see or even try to understand what the women were feeling. The women birth the men within itself is already hard enough, then to experience that child dying at war, at the hands of another man is heartbreaking. Women just wanted their young men and husbands home where they knew they were safe and out of harm way. Even though the women were from different sides they all agreed that war between the Spartans and Athenians was not necessary and that their husbands need to be home. Lysistrata also wanted to stop being looked down upon or dehumanized.

Comparisons to Other Text

Comparing Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, Telemachus and Athena in the Odyssey and Binti they all had to bring reconcillation between two groups. They established their leadership by asserting themselves as public speakers. Binti and Lysistrata, both experienced dehumanizing stereotypes. I can relate to them because since I’m African American and also a woman, I’m looked down upon more. Being black in America theirs thei judgement that we’re volient and lazy, but as a women we are “ghetto” and loud and supposed to be at home working. In America today in some working fields woman still makes less than men.

Important text

In the beginning of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, you can see that Lysistrata is talking to Calonice about how that women are doing stereotypical jobs men think they should. For her to step up take this leadership roll to step up to men and tell them women are more than just care givers and wives .

In passage seven she talks to the Magistrate and standing up to them telling them how women experience is just as bad as the man experience when they go to war. She is trying to show that her pain is just as bad or even worse than the men at war. They lose their husbands and their children and can’t have more because they keep going to war.

Women in general experience dehumanization from the men in society today because when somthing happen to a woman they make fun of her. They feel its not as serious as anyone else. Also black women in the hospital experience dehumanizing actions when they're not feeling well and its pushed off and something bad could actually be wrong.

In passage three Lysistrata was being talked down from Magistrate and she choses not to talk gets rude with him and still respectfully

Wednesday, September 16th

The Assignment

There was a time where I had to be a leader between me and my sisters when they wanted to have boys into our hotel room. I told them it wasn’t a good idea but they didn’t want to listen to me because I wasn’t the “fun” sister. In the end we all ended up in trouble. I felt that if I would’ve asserted myself and made it known that what we were doing wasn’t okay, maybe we would’ve never gotten into trouble. I should have gave them reasons on why and stood my ground like Lysistrata did. Another time

When reading this text the you can see that the women are aware of how they are treated but tolerate it because of sex. Lysistrata knows the men only come home for the sex as well but she wants to see her husband and sons more than that. She not only want it for herself but all the women, so she bring the women together. This is important because if all the women stand together to fight for what they feel is only right then it has a better chance at working for their favor. Also you can see how Lysistrata is treed my the lead men chorus and the Magistrate. She is disrespected by them all but still spoke to them respectfully. Lysistrata had the women to tell them how war to men was similar to what the women were feeling. She wanted equality for the women and also for the wars to end. She told them that the women will not have sex with men unless they come home and end the war between the two. She spoke logic to Magistrate how there is barely any man left for women to marry because they keep dying off at war. She felt that is rude for them to say that the women wouldn’t understand the war but in actuality it effected them as much as it did the men or even more. Throughout the time the women had to go with out sexual intercourse it became hard for them but for Lysistrata even though it was hard she knew she had to fight it. She made point that yea, of course they’re going to miss their husbands, but they’re going to miss them even more if they are gone.

In the end I feel Lysistrata got her point proven because the Spartans and Athenians were sufferings as they discussed. Neither group of men were having sex and they’ve begin to missed their wives so they ended the war. The men realized when sober they’re wrong and came together and had a dinner and got their wives and went home. I feel even thought was a sense of equality there was never full equality, but an understanding. The men knew they couldn’t stay away from their wives for long and the wives got their husbands back. This story showed a strong woman standing her ground to make the men understand that she was right. The women at this time was just look at as caregivers, clothes makers, and sex objects. I feel women had no real meaning then until Lysistrata spoke up for them and their needs too. Lysistrata brought a sense of determination, confidences, and direction to the table when she talked to Magistrate. Lysistrata knew that she did not want to be seen as just a “maid”, “caregiver”, or “sexual object”. Lysistrata knew that her and other women were wives and that they were so much more. Her and the other women realized together that they deserved so much more even though they loved sexual intercourse just as much as the next man. That craving of sex did not stop them from getting what they knew they’ve been deserving. If I was placed into Lysistrata shoes I would feel the same way. I feel she could’ve asked for more than just ending the war but that may be what all she wanted and to stop being dehumanized. How the men disrespected Lysistrata and she took it like a queen and kept moving, she has better restraint than I. I feel as a leader that is a quality needed because some people like Trump doesn't have it and that’s why he isn't praised by all. For Lysistrata case she is thanked by all women because her planned work and the men listened because instead of being disrespect with back she showed them with her action. Your actions speak more than words. When you stick with your words other will follow and people would listen and realized the truth in your words based off those actions. Have restraint, follow your words, and show strength and you will always make a great leader like Lysistrata.



Kayla Allen
Kayla Allen

Written by Kayla Allen


Howard University College Student

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